GCN Circular 6091
GRB 070201: Proximity of IPN annulus to M31
2007-02-09T23:40:23Z (18 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <dperley@astro.berkeley.edu>
D. A. Perley and J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley) report:
The IPN annulus quoted in GCN 6088 passes within a minimum distance of
45 arcminutes from the center of M31, and through the galaxy's outer
spiral arms. Given the close proximity of a previous extremely bright
IPN short burst (GCN 4197) with the nearby spiral galaxy M81 and the
possibility of a physical association of that event with that galaxy
(Ofek et al. 2006, Ap.J. v.652 p.507; Frederiks et al. 2007, Ast.L. v.33
p.19), further investigations are strongly encouraged despite the large
time delay between the burst and the distribution of the coordinates.