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GCN Circular 6127

GRB 070223: Liverpool Telescope Possible Afterglow Candidate
2007-02-23T03:07:13Z (18 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <>
A. Melandri (Liverpool JMU) on behalf of the Liverpool GRB group

The 2-m Liverpool Telescope robotically followed up GRB070223
(Vetere et al., GCN 6125, trigger=261664) beginning  ~18 minutes
after the GRB trigger time (UT:01:15:00).

We detect a very faint object inside the XRT position (Vetere et al.,
GCN 6125) not present in the USNO B1 catalog at this position

RA = 10:13:48.73
Dec = +43:08:00.54

with an uncertainty of 0.5 arcsec. In a coadded frames (with a total
integration time of 780 sec) the object has a magnitude R~23 +/- 0.3
(with respect the USNO B1) between 18 and 51 minutes after the burst.

At the moment it is not possible to state if the object is fading.

Further analysis and observations are ongoing.
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