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GCN Circular 62

GRB 980425 optical observations
1998-04-30T11:20:39Z (26 years ago)
Titus Galama at U.Amsterdam <>
T.J. Galama, P.M. Vreeswijk, P.J. Groot (University of Amsterdam);
E. Pian, F. Frontera, E. Palazzi, N. Masetti (CNR, Bologna);
L. Nicastro (IFACI-CNR, Palermo); M. Feroci (CNR, Roma); R.G. Strom
(NFRA and U of Amsterdam); C. Kouveliotou (USRA/MSFC); J. van Paradijs
(U of Amsterdam and U of Alabama in Huntsville) report: "Comparison of
red band images of the error box of GRB 980425 (Soffitta et al. 1998; 
IAUC 6884) taken at the 50in telescope at the Australian National
University's Mt. Stromlo Observatory on April 26.63 UT (1800s) and April
28.68 UT (1800s) shows no variation > 0.2 mag down to about 21 mag at 
the location of the transient BeppoSAX NFI X-ray source 1SAXJ1935.3-5252
(Pian et al. 1998; GCN #61)."

This work is based partly upon images obtained by the MACHO Project
with the 50in telecope at the Australian National University's Mt. Stromlo 

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