GCN Circular 6325
GRB070419B: Confirmation of Optical Transient
2007-04-20T00:31:53Z (18 years ago)
Brian Schmidt at RSAA, ANU (MSSSO) <brian@mso.anu.edu.au>
B. Schmidt (ANU) and G. Mackie (Swinburne) report on behalf of a larger
We have obtained R and I photometry of GRB070419B (Parson et al. GCN
6305) with the
ANU 1m telescope + WFI at Siding Spring observatory. I images taken Apr
19.737-19.748 and R images taken at Apr 19.753-19.757 confirm the
source of Tristram et al. (GCN 6312) at a position
RA (2000): 21:02:49.82
DEC(2000): -31:15:49.3
with a position uncertainty +/- 0.1" referenced to the UCAC2 catalog.
The R and I magnitudes are estimate to be ~ I=20.7, R=22.1 referenced to
the UCAC2/2Mass star
located at 21:02:59.34 -31:18:13.4 with mag ~I=14.75, R=15.25. This is
significantly fainter than observed by Tristram et al., and suggests
strongly that this object is associated with GRB07419B.