GCN Circular 6405
GRB 070508: pseudo-z from 4 different spectral analyses
2007-05-10T16:34:08Z (18 years ago)
Alexandre Pelangeon at LATT,OMP,Toulouse <alexandre.pelangeon@ast.obs-mip.fr>
A. Pelangeon & J-L. Atteia (LATT-OMP) report:
The intense burst GRB 070508 detected by SWIFT-BAT
(Grupe et al., GCNC 6383) was also observed by other spacecrafts.
Thanks to the published spectral parameters obtained from the different
spectral analyses performed, we have computed 4 pseudo-redshift(**)
for this burst.
Here are the results (the errors on the pseudo-z are at the 90% c.l.):
- From the spectral parameters obtained with the Konus-WIND data
(Golenetskii et al., GCNC 6403)
we obtain: pz = 1.15 +/- 0.15
- From the spectral parameters obtained with the Swift-BAT data
(Barthelmy et al., GCNC 6390; Grupe et al., GCNR 54.1)
we obtain: pz = 1.06 +/- 0.30
- From the spectral parameters obtained with the Suzaku-WAM data
(Uehara et al., GCNC 6396)
we obtain: pz = 1.25 +/- 0.30
- From the spectral parameters obtained with the RHESSI data
(Bellm et al., GCNC 6399)
we obtain: pz = 2.53 +/- 1.40
These values are compatible with the spectroscopic redshift
z=0.82 derived by Jakobsson et al. (GCNC 6398).
(**) cf. http://www.ast.obs-mip.fr/grb/pz