GCN Circular 6465
GRB 070412: Deep Keck imaging
2007-05-28T00:31:03Z (18 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <dperley@astro.berkeley.edu>
D. A. Perley, J. S. Bloom, R. J. Foley, and D. Kocevski (UC Berkeley)
On the night of 2007-04-16 (UT) we performed imaging on the field of
GRB070412 (GCN 6273), the long burst located approximately 45" in
projection from a nearby early-type galaxy (GCN 6275), using Keck I
(/LRIS) under poor seeing conditions. We acquired a total of 113
minutes of usable exposure time in I-band and 132 minutes in V-band,
with a mid-exposure time of approximately 11:27 UT, 106 hours after the
BAT trigger.
Using the astrometrically-corrected XRT position [1] (RA=12:06:10.18,
dec=+40:08:35.3, uncertainty=2.2"), we observe a faint source at the
edge of the uncertainty region in I-band. This source is not detected
in V-band. Calibrating with respect to nearby stars from SDSS, we
calculate a magnitude of:
I = 24.6 +/- 0.3
The V-band limiting magnitude is V > 26.5.
We note that the same source is also apparent in LBT r' imaging from
Prieto et al. (GCN 6374) in both their epochs of observation (2.8 hours
and 8.2 days after the burst), suggesting the source is not transient,
in which case we place an I-band limiting magnitude of I > 25.0 on any
transient source in the XRT error circle. The red color is suggestive
of a high-redshift potential host galaxy. The LBT r' detection would
place a firm upper limit on the redshift to be z < 5.9.
Images of the field are located at:
The low-redshift galaxy has been subtracted using a Sersic model fit in
the first image and a median filter in the second (zoom) image.
[1] http://astro.berkeley.edu/~nat/swift/xrt_pos.html