GCN Circular 6470
GRB 070529: Gemini Redshift
2007-05-29T20:55:06Z (18 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <eberger@ociw.edu>
E. Berger (Carnegie), D. B. Fox and A. Cucchiara (Penn State) report:
"Starting on 2007 May 29.59 UT we used GMOS on the Gemini North telescope
to obtain a 900 sec spectrum of the afterglow of GRB 050729 (GCN 6466).
The spectrum covers the wavelength range 5000-7900A. We find several
strong absorption features corresponding to CIV, SiII, FeII, AlII, AlIII,
etc. at a redshift of z=2.4996, which we identify as the redshift of the
burst. At this redshift the observed fluence of 2.6e-6 erg/cm^2 (GCN
6468) translates to an isotropic equivalent energy of 3.8e52 erg."