GCN Circular 6532
SWIFT J195509.6+261406 / GRB 070610: OPTIMA-Burst observations
2007-06-14T02:14:40Z (18 years ago)
Alexander Stefanescu at MPE <astefan@mpe.mpg.de>
A. Stefanescu (1), A. Slowikowska (2)(3), G. Kanbach (1), S. Duscha (1),
F. Schrey (1), H. Steinle (1), Z. Ioannou (4) of the OPTIMA-Burst Team
report the following:
(1)=MPE, Garching, (2)=FORTH, Heraklion (3)=NCAC, Torun (4)=Univ. of Crete
"OPTIMA-Burst at the 1.3m Skinakas Observatory of the University of
Crete, Greece continued observations of the OT associated with SWIFT
J195509.6+261406 (GRB 070610).
On 2007-06-12 we observed the source during 21:00-23:10 UT, using our
photon counting mode. In this period we detected flaring activity
consisting of only four short, dim flares:
t_start duration approx peak mag.
21:55:45 16s 18.9
22:23:13 18s 18.7
22:26:33 45s 18.4
22:34:14 17s 19.2
On 2007-06-13 we observed the source between 20:15-20:43 UT and
20:59-22:10 UT. We did not detect any flaring activity, the source
stayed below the background level detected by our photon counters at all
times. The brightness of a fluctuation 1 sigma above background noise
corresponds roughly to 21.4 mag.
We conclude that the flaring activity of the optical counterpart of
SWIFT J195509.6+261406 (GRB 070610) is greatly diminished, or may have
even come to an end."
This message may be cited.
[GCN OPS NOTE(17jun07): Per author's request, the two epoch dates
were corrected from "2007-06-13" to "2007-06-12" in the 2nd paragraph
and from "2007-06-14" to "2007-06-13" in the 3rd paragraph.]