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GCN Circular 6535

GRB 070612A: Super-LOTIS observations
2007-06-14T06:27:26Z (18 years ago)
Adria C. Updike at Clemson U <>
A. C. Updike (Clemson University), P. A. Milne (Steward Observatory), G.
G. Williams (MMT), and D. H. Hartmann (Clemson University) report on
behalf of the Super-LOTIS collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 070612A with the 0.6m Super-LOTIS telescope
on June 13, beginning at 03:42:00 UT, or 25 hours and 4 minutes after the
burst trigger (282066).  In 6 minutes of stacked exposures, we marginally
detect the afterglow (Updike et al. GCN 6515, Cenko et al. GCN 6525) at an
R-band magnitude of 17.73 +/- 0.76 as calibrated relative to 6 USNO B1.0

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