GCN Circular 6543
GRB 070616, Swift-BAT partial refined analysis
2007-06-16T20:11:00Z (18 years ago)
Scott Barthelmy at NASA/GSFC <scott@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov>
M. Stamatikos (GSFC/ORAU), L. Barbier (GSFC), S.D. Barthelmy (GSFC),
J. Cummings (GSFC/UMBC), E. Fenimore (LANL), N. Gehrels (GSFC),
H. Krimm (GSFC/USRA), C. Markwardt (GSFC/UMD), D. Palmer (LANL),
A. Parsons (GSFC), T. Sakamoto (GSFC/ORAU), G. Sato (GSFC/ISAS),
R.L.C. Starling (U Leicester), J. Tueller (GSFC), T. Ukwatta (GWU)
(i.e. the Swift-BAT team):
Using the data set from T-239 to T+497 sec from the recent telemetry downlink,
we report further analysis of BAT GRB 070616 (trigger #282445)
(Starling, et al., GCN Circ. 6542). The BAT ground-calculated position is
RA, Dec = 32.096, 56.946 deg which is
RA(J2000) = 02h 08m 23.0s
Dec(J2000) = 56d 56' 45"
with an uncertainty of 2.6 arcmin, (radius, sys+stat, 90% containment).
The partial coding was 60%.
The mask-weighted light curve shows many peaks. The burst started with
a low-level smooth emission at ~T-55 sec continuing smoothly and increasing
slowly until ~T+100 sec when the main emission started. The main peak is
at T+120 sec. Smaller overlapping peaks continue out past T+500 sec
(the limit of the downloaded data so far). We are currently in the gap
of Malindi downlink passes, and will not receive more data until
03:30 UT 17 Jul 07. We will issue another Circular then describing
the activity beyond T+500 sec and giving the T90 value. T90 is at least 175 sec.
Since we do not have the full data set downlinked yet, we will not
quote any spectral parameters at this time.