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GCN Circular 660

GRB000424, optical observations
2000-05-02T16:51:39Z (24 years ago)
Sarah Yost at Caltech <>
S. Yost, A. Diercks, F. Harrison, R. Gal, V. Hradecky, D. Kaplan,
A. Mahabal, P. Mao (Caltech) report:

"We imaged the entire error circle of GRB000424 (Piro, GCN #644) with the 
CCD 13 instrument on the Palomar 60" telescope on two consecutive nights.
Exposures consisted of R-band 6x600s on April 27.17 UT and 7x600s on April
28.19 UT with seeing of approximately 1.5" and 1" respectively.
Subtraction of the two epochs reveals no variable candidates to the
detection limit of approximately R ~ 22.8 (field calibration by comparison
with USNO data)."
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