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GCN Circular 6619

Swift detection of a possible burst (Trigger 284850)
2007-07-14T04:20:07Z (18 years ago)
Scott Barthelmy at NASA/GSFC <>
D. Grupe (PSU), S. D. Barthelmy (GSFC), D. N. Burrows (PSU),
M. M. Chester (PSU) and N. Gehrels (NASA/GSFC) report on behalf of
the Swift Team:

At approximately 03:18 +/-5min UT BAT triggered on a possible GRB
(trigger 284850).  Swift automatically slewed to the location
RA=43.94 Dec=+30.24 (J2000).  The uncertainty is 6 arcmin. 
We are uncertain about both the time and the location at this time
because the trigger occurred during a TDRSS outage,
so most of the regular TDRSS Notices were lost.  We are also
in the middle of the computer downtime as announced earlier today,
so analysis of the full Malindi downlink data will have to wait until
late Saturday UT. 

We wish to thank J. Knavel of the Swift Operations Team for notifying
the science team that Swift had slewed to a GRB. 

Burst Advocate for this burst is D. Grupe (grupe AT 
Please contact the BA by email if you require additional information
regarding Swift followup of this burst. In extremely urgent cases, after
trying the Burst Advocate, you can contact the Swift PI by phone (see
Swift TOO web site for information:
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