GCN Circular 6710
GRB 070805: Swift XRT initial analysis.
2007-08-06T03:47:39Z (18 years ago)
Valentina La Parola at INAF-IASPA <laparola@ifc.inaf.it>
V. La Parola, J. Kennea, E. Troja, V. Mangano, B.
Sbarufatti on behalf of the
Swift team.
We have analysed the first 2.3 ks of the XRT observation
of GRB070805 (Parsons et al., GCN 6708).
Due to Earth limb constraint the XRT began observing the
GRB location 33 min after the trigger, at 20:28:48 UT.
No sources are visible in this first orbit of data, with
an upper limit to the unabsorbed flux of 2.4e-13
We are waiting for more data for further analysis.
This is an official product of the Swift-XRT team
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