GCN Circular 6726
GCN Swift XRT update position notices and enhanced position circulars
2007-08-09T12:32:42Z (18 years ago)
Julian Osborne at U.of Leicester <julo@star.le.ac.uk>
J. P. Osborne (U Leicester), M. R. Goad (U Leicester), P. A. Evans (U
Leicester), A. P. Beardmore (U Leicester), L. G. Tyler (U Leicester),
D. N. Burrows (PSU), N. Gehrels (GSFC) and S. D. Barthelmy (GSFC), report on
behalf of the Swift Team:
The Swift XRT team will from now be providing better positions earlier for
most GRBs by automatically issuing: 1) an early position update notice
based on ground processing; 2) a circular giving an enhanced XRT position
and error derived from a rectification of the UVOT field with USNO B1. See
1) Position Update Notices
GCN Swift XRT position update notices will soon be routinely distributed.
The position and error will be based upon fully automated ground processing
of SPER data (TDRSS-downlinked Single Pixel Event Report data in Photon
Counting mode), fit using a PSF model with the dead columns to give a
more reliable position than is possible on-board. This position update notice
will typically be sent within 15 minutes of the start of the XRT observation.
Robotic telescopes may want to adapt their reaction strategy.
SPER data come only during the first snap-shot observation of a burst,
it is distributed to the XRT team at ~5 minute intervals; the notice will be
generated from the combined first and second SPER datasets, as this offers the
best position improvement for the shortest delay (notice distribution will be
forced if a second SPER is not received within 9 minutes of the first). If this
is not the first XRT_Position notice for a burst then the notice UPDATE_FLAG
keyword is set, the email subject line will have 'UPDATE' added, and in the
packets to socket sites the 2^25 bit will be set in the PKT_MISC field
Subsequent SPER data may allow further improvement of the early position
information. This will not be distributed by GCN notice, but will be
immediately available at http://www.swift.ac.uk/spertable.php. A link from that
page describes the derivation of positions from SPER data in detail. Over 80%
of bursts can have a position derived in this way; for these, the 90% position
error radius is <3.9" half of the time.
2) Enhanced Position Circulars
GCN Swift XRT position circulars will soon be routinely distributed when a
first UVOT-enhanced XRT position becomes available. Use of the XRT-UVOT
boresight alignment and the UVOT-USNO B1 astrometric registration for the
bursts simultaneously covered by the XRT PC mode and UVOT V band gives more
precise and accurate XRT positions than those based on star tracker data
previously distributed. Around 60% of XRT bursts can have their positions
improved by this method; such UVOT-enhanced XRT burst positions have a 90%
confidence error radius <2.1" half of the time, and are typically available
within 2-3 hours of the burst (Goad et al. A&A submitted, arXiv:0708.0986,
http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_positions/Goad.pdf). These rapidly available
enhanced positions have an accuracy comparable to that obtainable in one to
several days using serendipitous X-ray sources (eg Butler AJ 133, 1027, 2007).
Improvement of a UVOT-enhanced XRT position is possible as more data become
available after the initial enhanced position circular. Such subsequently
improved positions will not be announced via the GCN but will be immediately
available at http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_positions/index.php
It is not yet possible to enhance a larger fraction of positions due to the
need for simultaneous V band and XRT PC mode data when Swift is still and for
at least 10 XRT counts. We hope to improve this in the future.