GCN Circular 6727
GRB 070808 : Faulkes Telescope South Observations
2007-08-09T16:43:13Z (18 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <axm@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
A. Melandri, (Liverpool JMU), C. Guidorzi (Uni-Bicocca/INAF-OAB),
R.J. Smith, I.A. Steele, C.G. Mundell, M.J. Burgdorf, C.J. Mottram,
M.F. Bode, S.N. Fraser, S. Kobayashi, D.F. Bersier (Liverpool JMU),
A. Gomboc (Ljubljana), P. O'Brien, E. Rol, N. Bannister, N. Tanvir
(U. Leicester) report on behalf of larger GRB collaboration :
On 2007 Aug 08 at 18:30:21 UT the Faulkes Telescope South automatically
observed the field of GRB 070808 (trigger=287260, Cummings et al.,
GCN 6718).
On our coadded frames we do not detect any source inside the refined
XRT error circle (Starling et al., GCN 6725) down to a limiting
magnitude of
Filter Tstart(min) Tstop(min) Exposure(s) M_lim
R 2.35 62.9 960 20.6
i' 5.55 53.4 700 20.5
Magnitudes are calibrated with respect to USNOB1 R2 in the R filter.
For the SDSS-i' filter we used the magnitude derived from the
pre-burst calibration field of Cool et al. (GCN 6720).