GCN Circular 6794
GRB 070917: MITSuME Akeno Ic upper limit
2007-09-17T19:10:51Z (17 years ago)
Nobuyuki Kawai at Tokyo Tech <nkawai@hp.phys.titech.ac.jp>
T. Ishimura, T. Shimokawabe, N. Vasquez, Y. Yatsu, Y. Kudou and
N. Kawai (Tokyo Tech) report on behalf of the MITSuME collaboration:
We observed the field of GRB070917 (Cummings et al. GCN 6791)
with the 3-color 50cm MITSuME Telescope at Akeno, Japan starting
at 09:46:58 UT, 2.2 hours after the trigger.
Although the observation was performed in three bands (Ic, Rc, and g'),
only the data in Ic band are usable for reliable comparison to
catalogued sources because of the poor sky condition in the dusk
with thin clouds.
We did not detect a new source in the BAT error circle. The 3-sigma
limiting magnitude based on USNO-B1.0 (I-band) stars is following.
Filter start time end time Exposure Mag (3-sigma UL)
Ic 09:46:58$B!!(B 10:08:08$B!!!!(B13 x 60s 17.8