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GCN Circular 680

New IPN localization of GRB000529
2000-05-30T18:26:57Z (24 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, T. Cline,  on behalf
of the NEAR and KONUS GRB teams, F. Frontera, C. Guidorzi, and E.
Montanari, on behalf of the BeppoSAX GRBM teams, and E. Mazets and
S. Golenetskii, on behalf of the KONUS-WIND GRB teams, report:

The Ulysses data for this burst (GCN #676) have been processed, and the
triangulation has been completed (GCN #678).  The Ulysses/ Earth
annulus is centered at RA(2000)=129.603, Decl.(2000)=-33.077, and has a
radius 76.204 +/- 0.054 deg.  This annulus intersects the BeppoSAX WFC
error circle at two points (RA, Decl.= 2.217, -61.555 and RA,
Decl.=2.406,-61.470) and reduces its area by ~30%.  A map has been
posted at  Further refinement to this
annulus is possible.
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