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GCN Circular 6819

GRB 070923: Galaxies within BAT localization
2007-09-23T20:46:26Z (17 years ago)
Derek Fox at PSU <>
D.B. Fox (Penn State) and E. Ofek (Caltech) report:

"We note the presence of two 2MASS-cataloged galaxies within the BAT
localization region for the short-hard burst GRB 070923 (Stroh et al.,
GCN 6818).  The galaxy coordinates, distances (D) from the center of
the BAT error circle in arcmin, and total broadband magnitudes (J, H,
Ks) as given by the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database* are:

            RA (J2000)   Dec (J2000)   D      J      H     Ks
   2MASS-A  12:18:29.35  -38:16:44.1  0.7   15.01  14.77  13.73
   2MASS-B  12:18:21.87  -38:18:24.0  2.8   15.35  14.44  13.88

Although neither galaxy has a measured redshift, the somewhat more
distant galaxy 2MASX J12180474-3818108 (D=5.4 arcmin) and 2MASX
J12175556-3818208 (D=7.2 arcmin) both have z~0.076 according to the
6dF redshift survey (Jones et al. 2004)."

*This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
(NED) which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
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