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GCN Circular 6861

GRB 071010: Keck Observations of the Afterglow
2007-10-10T05:37:15Z (17 years ago)
Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <>
J. S. Bloom, D. A. Perley, M. Modjaz, D. Poznanski (UC Berkeley), H.- 
W. Chen (U Chicago), and J. X. Prochaska (UCSC) report:

"We have conducted preliminary imaging with the Keck I telescope  
(+LRIS) of the afterglow seen in TAROT (Klotz et al. GCN 6860) of GRB  
071010 (Moretti et al. 6859). In the first set of short exposures  
(~100 sec) in R and G bands (starting at 04:48:34 UT) we detect a  
source near that position with a magnitude comparable to the faintest  
detectable DSS sources (corresponding to R~20 - 21 mag). We report a  
refined position (+/- 300 mas relative to USNO B1.0):

       ra= 19:12:14.624 dec= -32:24:07.16 J2000

The offset from the star at 19:12:17.121, -32:24:18.65 to the  
afterglow is 31.62" W, 11.49 "N. Spectroscopy is underway and reports  
from that analysis are forthcoming (the continuum is detected to the  
atmospheric cutoff in the blue, implying z<~2)."

This message may be cited.

We thank A. Klotz for helpful conversations regarding the TAROT  
afterglow detection.
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