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GCN Circular 688

GRB000604, optical observations, comparison with DPOSS
2000-06-06T18:53:44Z (24 years ago)
Alan H. Diercks at Caltech <>
I. Cotoros, A. Mahabal, S. Yost, and A. Diercks report on behalf of
the Caltech-NRAO-CARA GRB collaboration:

"We imaged the entire IPN error region of GRB000604 (Hurley et al, GCN #687)
with the Palomar 60" telescope from June 6.24 - 6.28 UT.  The error region was
covered by two pointings with three 500s integrations in Gunn-r at each
pointing.  Although the seeing was rather poor (1.5" FWHM), the combined frames
are significantly deeper than DPOSS (Djorgovski, astro-ph/9809187) images of
the field (limiting magnitude Gunn-r~20.5). Visual inspection of the IPN error
region reveals no new objects above the DPOSS limit."

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