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GCN Circular 6942

GRB 071017 - Swift XRT observations
2007-10-19T16:16:18Z (17 years ago)
Phil Evans at U of Leicester <>
P.A. Evans, R.L.C. Starling, P.T. O'Brien, (U. Leicester), G. Israel
(INAF - OA Roma),  A.P. Beardmore, K.L. Page, J.P.Osborne (U.
Leicester), J. Cummings (GSFC/UMBC) and N. Gehrels (NASA/GSFC) report
on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

Swift began observing the INTEGRAL-detected short GRB 071017 
(Mereghetti et al. GCN Circ 6927) at 08:58:45 UT on 2007 October 19, 2.3
days after the trigger. We currently have 2 ks of XRT data, in which we
detect a source inside the INTEGRAL error circle at RA, Dec=274.7148,
-15.9889 degrees, which is equivalent to:

RA (J2000)  = 18:18:51.56
Dec (J2000) = -15:59:19.9

with an estimated uncertainty of 5.5 arcsec (radius, 90% confidence).
This is consistent with the XMM source 2XMM J171751.2-155920, and lies
within the error circle reported for the transient AX J1818.8-1559
(Sugizaki et al. 2001) thus it is not a GRB afterglow. 

No other X-ray sources are detected inside the INTEGRAL error circle,
with a 3-sigma upper limit of 0.005 counts per second. There are two
further X-ray sources in the XRT field of view, the first is at RA,
Dec=274.8069, -16.0237 with an estimated uncertainty of 6.5 arcsec
(radius, 90% confidence), this is 5.3 arcmin away from the INTEGRAL
position. The second source is at RA, Dec=274.8436,-16.0552 with an
estimated uncertainty of 7.9 arcsec (radius, 90% confidence), and is 7.9
arcmin away from the INTEGRAL position.

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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