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GCN Circular 6990

GRB 071025: Swift XRT refined position
2007-10-25T05:19:35Z (17 years ago)
Claudio Pagani at PSU/Swift-XRT <>
C. Pagani (PSU) reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT Team:

The XRT on-board centroid position of the afterglow of GRB 071025 reported in
GCN 6986 was strongly affected by a hot column.

A refined position from the first 0.1 second image is RA, Dec=355.0737, 31.7782
which is

RA(J2000)  =23h 40m 17.7s
Dec(J2000) =+31d 46' 41.4"

with an uncertainty of 8 arcseconds (radius, 90% containment).

This is 9 arcseconds from the initial XRT position, and 6.5 arcseconds from the
optical position reported in GCN 6897.

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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