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GCN Circular 699

Optical Follow-up of GRB000529 Error Box
2000-06-13T15:41:35Z (24 years ago)
Elena Pian at ITESRE-CNR,Bologna <>
E. Palazzi, N. Masetti, E. Pian, F. Frontera (ITESRE, CNR, Bologna), A.J. 
Castro-Tirado (LAEFF, IAA), J. Hjorth (Univ. of Copenhagen), E. Rol,
E.P.J. van den Heuvel (Univ. of Amsterdam), J. Greiner (AIP), O. Marco, J.
Brewer and O. Hainaut (ESO), J.A.R. Caldwell (SAAO, observing on behalf of
the PLANET collaboration), N.  Suntzeff (CTIO), and M. Feroci (IAS, CNR,
Rome), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report: 

"Optical R-band images of the X-ray afterglow error box (GCNs #684, #685) 
of GRB000529 (GCN #676) were acquired at three different epochs with four 
telescopes as reported in the following table:
     (UT)          Telescope      Texp(sec)   Seeing(")   R_lim(3-sigma)  
 2000 May 31.15     SAAO 1m         3000        1.4         22.7
      May 31.44     CTIO 4m          900        1.0         24.0
      May 31.44     ESO 2.2m         600        1.0         22.7
      Jun  3.42     ESO NTT          100        1.4         22.3

Photometric calibration was performed using standard stars in the Landolt
T Phe sequence (Landolt 1992, AJ 104, 340).  Comparison of the images with
the DSS-II red survey does not reveal any new object above the DSS limit
(R~21.5). Unfortunately not all the images did cover the whole error box. 
The comparison among the overlapping regions of the acquired frames at the
different epochs does not reveal any object with significant brightness
variation down to a 3-sigma limiting magnitude of R ~22.3".

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