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GCN Circular 708

GRB 000615: NIR observations
2000-06-16T15:57:03Z (25 years ago)
Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma <>
A. Di Paola, L.A. Antonelli, G. Licausi, R. Speziali, Osservatorio 
Astronomico di Roma, G. Valentini, Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, 
Italy, on behalf of a larger collaboration report:

We have imaged the BeppoSAX revised error-box of GRB000615 (GCN 705) 
using the AZT-24 1.1-meter telescope at Campo Imperatore (AQ). We 
observed for a total exposure time of 3600 sec in J-band and 1500 sec 
in K-band. Observations started at June 15.9792 UT about 17.2 hours 
after BeppoSAX trigger time (GCN 703) and ended at 16.09167 UT. We 
imaged the field in J-band twice with a time interval of about 2 hours.  
The limiting magnitude in the combined images is J=20.5 mag and K=17.5 mag
(S/N=3) with an average seeing of 2.5" . A preliminary comparison of the 
first 900 sec with the last 1500 sec J-band images reveals no obvious fading 
objects. The comparison of the combined 3600 sec J-band images with the 
POSS-II red plate and the FLWO field (GCN 706), reveals no obvious new 

Further observations of this field are planned at Campo Imperatore.

This message is citable.

[GCN OPS NOTE (26May00):  The GRB date in the Subject-line was changed
from 000516 to 000615.]
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