GCN Circular 7129
GRB 071122: MASTER optical observation
2007-11-22T18:55:13Z (17 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <gcncirc@observ.inetcomm.ru>
V. Lipunov, V.Kornilov, D.Kuvshinov, N.Tyurina, A.Belinski, E.Gorbovskoy,
A.Krylov, N.Shatskiy, A.Sankovich, G.Borisov, V.Vladimirov,
P.Gritsyk, V.Vibornov, A.Kuznetsov
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow Union 'Optic'
A. Tlatov, I.Golubov
Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo observatory
Krushinski V., I.Zalozhnih
Ural State University
MASTER robotic system (http://observ.pereplet.ru) responded to
GRB 071122.1 (GRB_TIME is 2007-11-22 01:23:25.62, M. Stamatikos et al.,
GCN Circ N 7121).
The first image was at 2007-11-22 01:25:57 UT, 69 s after the GCN notice
time and 151 s after the GRB time.
These observations were affected by proximity to the full moon.
The unfiltered image is calibrated relative to USNO A2.0 (0.8 R + 0.2 B).
The robot not find OT-candidate in error box brighter then 15.6 (s/n=10).
Individual images have limiting magnitudes about 16.
We set the following specific limits for S. B. Cenko (GCN Circ 7125)
OT position.
start UT t_start-t_GRB mean t_GRB t_exp(s) mlim Coadd?
01:25:57.6 151 s 166 s 30 16.0 N
01:25:57.6 151 s 266 s 5x30 16.8 Y
01:30:06.6 6 min 42 s 14 min 53 s 20x30 17.7 Y
01:34:15.9 11 min 00 s 15 min 02 s 10x30 17.2 Y
01:42:40.3 19 min 15 s 23 min 15 s 10x30 17.2 Y
01:50:59.5 27 min 35 s 31 min 38 s 10x30 17.2 Y
The reduction is continuing.
The delay of the given telegram is connected with participation and
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EURO' 08. Our collective is especially grateful to national Croatia-teem
for the help during the difficult moment!
The reduction is continuing.
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Mailto: lipunov@sai.msu.ru