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GCN Circular 7198

UVOT detection of GRB080120
2008-01-21T11:50:51Z (17 years ago)
Patricia Schady at MSSL/Swift <>
P. Schady (MSSL-UCL) and B. Sbarufatti (INAF-IASF PA) report on behalf of 
the Swift UVOT team:

Swift UVOT started a ToO observation of the INTEGRAL burst GRB080120 at 
2008-01-20T19:50 UT, ~2.4hrs after the INTEGRAL trigger (Mereghetti et 
al., GCN 7194). Observations were taken in the white and v-band only. A 
new source is detected within the XRT error circle (Sbarufatti & Mangano, 
GCN7195), in co-added images in both these filters at

RA: 15:01:03.276
DEC: -10:52:29.79

with an uncertainty of 0.6 arcsec (90% confidence). This is consistent 
with the position reported by Kruehler et al. (GCN 7197). The source is 
seen to decay in the white band and has the following magnitudes and 
3-sigma upper limits (in the UVOT photometric system,Breeveld et al., GCN 
Circ. 6614)

Filter    Tstart   Exp      Magnitude
            (s)     (s)
white     9257     401      21.45 +/- 0.39
white     14524    679      > 22.08
v         8490     746      20.45 +/- 0.41
v         13232    126      20.53 +/- 0.33

The values quoted above are not corrected for the expected non-negligible 
Galactic extinction corresponding to a reddening of E(B-V) = 0.10 mag in the 
direction of the burst (Schlegel et al. 1998).
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