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GCN Circular 7210

GRB 080121: Nearby SDSS galaxies
2008-01-23T22:51:25Z (17 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <>
D. A. Perley, R. J. Foley, and J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley) report:

Two SDSS spectroscopically-catalogued galaxies are present in NED* 
within the Swift-BAT error circle of GRB 080121 (Cummings et al., GCN 7209):

SDSS J090858.15+414926.5   09:08:58.1 +41:49:27 z=0.045322
SDSS J090904.12+415033.2   09:09:04.1 +41:50:33 z=0.046041

Several other, fainter extended sources are also present in the field, 
possibly indicating that this GRB may have occurred within a group or 
small cluster.  At a redshift of z=0.046, the isotropic energy release 
would be ~10^47 erg, several orders of magnitude less than typical 
short-hard bursts.

* The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) is operated by the Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under 
contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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