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GCN Circular 7246

GRB 080129: Swift/UVOT Refined Upper Limits
2008-01-31T13:12:48Z (17 years ago)
Stephen Holland at USRA/NASA/GSFC/SSC <>
report on the behalf of the Swift UVOT team:

        The Swift/UVOT observed the field of GRB 080129 starting 3188 s
after the BAT trigger (Immler et al. 2007, GCN Circ. 7226).  We do not
find any source, in any of the UVOT observations, at the location of
the Gemini-South source (Bloom, 2007 GCN Circ. 7229).

        The 3-sigma upper limits for detecting a source at this
location in the co-added images are:

Filter    T_start   T_stop    Exp(s)    Mag (3-sigma upper limit)
    v         3188   21,457      2023    21.3
    b         4134   28,152      2164    22.2
    u         3929   27,239      1278    21.5
  uvw1        3724   32,166      1182    21.3
  uvm2        3519   22,362      1279    21.2
  uvw2        4545   17,372      1920    21.7
white        3207   28,940      2856    23.1

This burst occurred 1.43 degrees from the Galactic plane, so the
Galactic reddening along the line of sight is highly uncertain.  The
values quoted above are not corrected for Galactic extinction.  All
photometry is on the UVOT flight system described in Poole et al.  
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