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GCN Circular 7397

GRB 080310: Redshift from Keck/DEIMOS Spectra
2008-03-10T17:20:17Z (17 years ago)
Jason Prochaska at UCO/Lick Obs <>
J.X. Prochaska (UCSC), R.J. Foley (UCB), B. Holden (UCCS),
D. Magee (UCSC),  M. Cooper (Arizona) and A. Dutton (UCSC)
report on behalf of GRAASP:

"We observed the afterglow of GRB 080310 (Chornock, #7381)
with the Keck/DEIMOS spectrometer for a series of 900s exposures
starting ~2hr after the burst under good conditions.  Analysis of the
data confirms the three absorption systems reported by
Prochaska et al. (#7388) and Vreeswijk et al. (#7391).
We identify modest strength FeII and MgII resonance lines associated
with the absorber at z=2.4266 and also weaker FeII* absorption.  The  
latter observation
establishes this gas as the ISM surrounding GRB 080310.

Further analysis is in progress."

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