GCN Circular 73
GRB980515: SAX-WFC updated position
1998-05-18T22:38:00Z (27 years ago)
Marco Feroci at IAS/CNR Frascati <feroci@ias.rm.cnr.it>
Marco Feroci and Jean in 't Zand
on behalf of the BeppoSAX Mission Scientist report:
The BeppoSAX-WFC position of GRB980515 has been revised using the
Final Observing Tape.
The revised burst position is:
R.A. = 319.3527 (21h 17m 25s), Decl. = -67.2550 (-67o 15' 18") Eq. 2000.0
We give an error radius of 4 arcmin. This is somewhat larger than the usual
3 arcmin because of low statistics of the burst.
This position lies at 3.8 arcmin from the latest distributed position,
and 2.6 arcmin from the first distributed position.