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GCN Circular 748

GRB000630, optical observations
2000-07-06T23:29:06Z (25 years ago)
Sarah Yost at Caltech <>
S. Yost, F. Harrison and A. Diercks (Caltech) with J. Mulchaey (Carnegie
Observatories) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We imaged the error box of GRB000630 (Hurley, GCN 736) with the Cosmic
instrument of the Palomar 200". Exposures consisted of R-band 2X450
seconds on July 1.29 UT. The seeing was approximately 0.9". We detect an
object at the position of the optical afterglow reported by Jensen et al.
(GCN 747). We calibrated the field by PSF photometry, comparing 18 field
stars with the photometry of Henden et al. (GCN 746), and obtain a
magnitude of the optical afterglow as R = 23.47 +- 0.13."

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