GCN Circular 7542
GRB 080330A: PAIRITEL Infrared Detections
2008-03-30T05:22:44Z (16 years ago)
Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <jbloom@astron.berkeley.edu>
J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley) and D. L. Starr (UCB; LCOGT) report:
"We began observing the field of GRB 080330A (Mao et al. GCN 7537) at
2008-03-30 03:53:24.8 UT with PAIRITEL. In a stack of the first 33
frames (each 7.8 sec) exposures, consistent with the BAT/XRT/UVOT
(7537, also Burrows et al. GCN 7541) and groundbased position (7536,
7539, 7538), we find a point source in JHKs bands. The preliminary
photometry yields:
# t (MJD) terr (day) filt mag merr
54555.164606 0.001499 h 15.33 0.04
54555.164606 0.001499 k 14.59 0.04
54555.164606 0.001499 j 16.00 0.04
We find a position relative to 2MASS of (700 mas rms uncertainty):
ra = 11:17:04.496 dec = +30:37:23.53 J2000
Observations are ongoing."