GCN Circular 7689
GRB 080506: optical observation from Ondrejov
2008-05-07T05:09:29Z (17 years ago)
Matus Kocka at Monteboo Obs,Masaryk U,Brno <koci@astronom.sk>
M. Kocka, M. Nekola, J. Strobl, R. Hudec, C. Polasek (AsU AV CR, Ondrejov),
M. Jelinek, P. Kubanek (IAA CSIC, Granada),
F. Munz (IASF/INAF, Bologna) A. de Ugarte Postigo (ESO) report
We observed the OT of the GRB080506 (Baumgartner et al,
GCN 7685) with the 0.5m telescope at ASU Ondrejov in
Czech Republic. We obtained a set of R-band exposures
at ~7.1h after the GRB.
Using the same calibration as Kawabata et al. (GCN 7686) we find the
brightness R ~ 21.2+-0.4.
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