GCN Circular 771
GRB000812, Radio observations
2000-08-15T21:12:13Z (25 years ago)
Dale A. Frail at NRAO <dfrail@nrao.edu>
D. A. Frail (NRAO), E. Berger, A. Diercks and R. Gal (Caltech) report:
"A short VLA observation was made of the central 10 arcminutes of the
IPN error box for GRB 000812 (GCN #770) on 2000 August 15.44 UT. At a
wavelength of 6-cm we detected an uncatalogued source with a flux
density of approximately 1 mJy. The position of this source is r.a.=
18:08:49.33 (+/-0.36s), dec.=+45:46:56.5 (+/-2.5"). We will continue
to monitor this source to determine whether it is the afterglow of GRB
000812. There are no objects in the DPOSS images within the 2.5"
error radius of the radio source, with typical limiting magnitudes of
Bj=22.5, Rf=20.8, In=19.5."