GCN Circular 775
SGR 1806-20 burst activity
2000-08-18T22:57:26Z (25 years ago)
Peter Woods at UAH/MSFC <woodspm@spiders.msfc.nasa.gov>
E. Gogus (UAH), P.M. Woods, C. Kouveliotou (USRA), and J. Swank (GSFC)
report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
During an RXTE PCA observation from an ongoing ~weekly SGR
monitoring campaign, we have detected a recurrence of burst
activity from SGR 1806-20. During two 5 ks observations of
the source on 12 August 2000, we detected two brief, intense
bursts. The brighter of the two bursts reached a peak flux
(4ms) of ~5e-7 ergs/cm^2 s (>25keV).
Further observations are encouraged.
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