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GCN Circular 7831

GRB 080605: Liverpool Telescope optical afterglow candidate
2008-06-06T00:40:18Z (17 years ago)
Andreja Gomboc at LT,ARI,Liverpool JMU <>
A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana), A. Melandri, R.J. Smith, C.G. Mundell, I.A. 
Steele, D. Bersier, S. Kobayashi, D. Carter, M. Burgdorf, M.F. Bode 
(Liverpool JMU), C. Guidorzi (INAF-OAB) report:

The Liverpool Telescope (La Palma) automatically reacted to the Swift 
trigger 313299 and started observing the field 3 min after the trigger.

We find an un-catalogues source at
RA 17:28:29.9,
dec +04:00:55.0
consistent with the XRT position.

The magnitude of the source is R=18.3 at 11.3 min after the trigger.
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