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GCN Circular 7836

GRB 080605: MASTER VWF 46 s AT observation
2008-06-06T11:52:33Z (17 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
MASTER-Net Team:

D.Kuvshinov, V. Lipunov, V.Kornilov,  E.Gorbovskoy,
A.Belinski, N.Shatskiy, N.Tyurina,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow Union 'Optic'

A. Tlatov, I.Golubov
Kislovodsk Solar Station of the Pulkovo observatory

V.Krushinski, I.Zalognikh
Ural State University, Kourovka

S.Yazev, K.Ivanov
Irkutsk State University

MASTER Very Wide Field Camera located at Kislovodsk Solar Station
(, D=50 mm, 1015 square degrees, 35'' per pix) 
has moved to the Swift-BAT trigger 313299 (23:47:57 UT) and it has taken a 
series of 5s exposures  starting 46s after the GRB time and 12 s after 
notice arrivel time at   23:48:43 UT under good weather  condition, but 
large zenit distance.

These unfiltered images are calibrated relative to USNO A2.0 (R).
There is no OT was found inside Swift error box
(B. Sbarufatti, S. D. Barthelmy et al., GCN Circ 7828).

T-Tgrb    Mean Time     Limit   Coadd?           Note

46s        48.5s      >9.0      no             moving

51s        53.5s      >10.0     no

51s        56.0s      >10.2     2

51s        76.0s      >11.0    10

51s       101.0s      >11.5    20

The message can be cited.

PS. AT = After Trigger
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