GCN Circular 7962
GRB 080710: Gemini spectroscopy and probable redshift
2008-07-10T12:00:49Z (16 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <dperley@astro.berkeley.edu>
D. A. Perley, R. Chornock, and J. S. Bloom report on behalf of a larger
Starting at 09:25 UT on 2008 July 10 we began spectroscopy of the
optical counterpart (Li et al., GCN 7959) of GRB 080710 (Sbarufatti et
al., GCN 7957) using Gemini-South (+GMOS). We acquired 2x1200s
integrations using the B600 grism, covering a wavelength range from 3800
to 6700 Angstroms.
The spectrum shows several strong absorption features, corresponding to
the Mg II (2796+2803) doublet, Fe II (2586+2600) doublet, Mg I (2853),
and Fe II (2344+2374+2382) at a common redshift of z=0.845. We
tentatively associate this redshift with GRB 080710. Additional
analysis of the spectrum is ongoing.
We thank the Gemini staff for conducting these observations.