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GCN Circular 798

GRB000911: Sub-millimeter observations
2000-09-26T23:37:56Z (24 years ago)
Ian Smith at Rice U <>
I. A. Smith (Rice University) and R. P. J. Tilanus (Joint Astronomy
Centre) report on behalf of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT)
GRB collaboration:

We used the SCUBA sub-millimeter continuum bolometer array on the JCMT
to observe the radio source (GCN #795) and (separate) optical source
(GCN #796) locations suggested as counterparts to GRB 000911.  No source
was detected at either location:

Observing times (UT)        Coordinates   850 micron flux density (mJy)

20000917 11:47 - 13:35       GCN #795            -0.4 +/- 1.4

20000920 10:30 - 13:00       GCN #795             0.3 +/- 1.1

20000922 11:34 - 13:16       GCN #796            -1.6 +/- 1.7

We would like to thank the dedicated efforts of the JCMT telescope
operators in performing these and previous SCUBA service observations.

This report may be cited in publications.
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