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GCN Circular 8037

GRB 080727B: REM NIR afterglow prompt detection
2008-07-28T07:27:46Z (17 years ago)
Paolo D'Avanzo at INAF-OAB <>
P. D'Avanzo, S. Covino, L.A. Antonelli, D. Malesani, D. Fugazza, L.  
Calzoletti,  S. Campana, G.  Chincarini, M.L. Conciatore, S. Cutini, V. 
D'Elia,  F. D'Alessio, F.  Fiore, P. Goldoni, D. Guetta,  C. Guidorzi, 
G.L. Israel, E. Maiorano, N. Masetti, A. Melandri, E. Meurs, L. 
Nicastro, E. Palazzi, E. Pian, S. Piranomonte, L.  Stella, G.  Stratta, 
G. Tagliaferri, G. Tosti, V.Testa, S.D. Vergani, F. Vitali report on 
behalf of the REM team:

Following the KAIT detection of the optical afterglow of GRB 080727B (Li 
et al. GCN 8024) we performed a detailed off-line analysis of our REM 
images (D'Avanzo et al., GCN 8023). While we confirm the non-detection 
of the optical afterglow in the R-band down to the 16th magnitude (30 s 
of total exposure), we find a barely visible object in our coadded 
H-band frame (50 s of total exposure) with a magnitude of H = 11.8 � 0.2 
(calibrated against the 2MASS catalogue) at a position consistent with 
the one reported by Li et al.

Unfortunately, just after taking the first R and H-band images, the 
telescope experienced tracking problems, due to the low altitude of the 
object with respect to the horizon, and we do not have more images of 
this GRB. The inferred unabsorbed color (R-H = 3.24 mag)  is consistent 
with the hypothesis of an highly absorbed or high redshift event 
(Landsman et al. GCN 8033).
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