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GCN Circular 8053

GRB 080802: UVI Telescope Upper Limit
2008-08-03T01:17:11Z (17 years ago)
Adria C. Updike at Clemson U <>
Adria C. Updike (Clemson U), James Neff (College of Charleston), and
Dieter H. Hartmann (Clemson U) report:

We observed the field of GRB 080802 (GCN 8051, Baumgartner et al.) using
the 0.5m UVI (University of the Virgin Islands) telescope at St. Thomas
for 5 minutes in the R band, beginning 00:12 UT (~9 hours after the
trigger).  We detect no new sources within the XRT error circle to a
limiting magnitude of R ~ 18.5 as calibrated against the USNO B1.0
catalog.  Further observations we hampered by cloud cover.

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