GCN Circular 8081
GRB 080810 : optical observation with KANATA
2008-08-10T13:51:42Z (17 years ago)
Akira Arai at Hiroshima U <arai-akira@hiroshima-u.ac.jp>
Y. Ikejiri, M. Uemura, T. Ohsugi, K. Kawabata, A. Arai, M. Yamanaka, and K. Sakimoto (Hiroshima Univ.),
report on behalf of the KANATA GRB team:
We performed optical-NIR observations of the field of
GRB 080810 (GCN Circ. 8080) with TRISPEC attached to
the "KANATA" 1.5-m telescope.
We confirmed a very bright, fading object at the position of the optical
afterglow detected with UVOT.
Our preliminary results are below:
time(UT) mag. exposure_time
Aug. 2008 (sec)
10.553258 13.7 $B!^(B 0.1 V 33sec * 1
Comparison star:
23:46:58.51 +00:18:30.2 V=14.07 (NOMAD)
Further observation and analysis are ongoing.