GCN Circular 8091
GRB 080810: Kanazawa optical observation
2008-08-11T08:16:50Z (17 years ago)
Daisuke Yonetoku at Kanazawa U <gcn@astro.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp>
Y.Okuma, H.Fujimoto, T.Nashimoto, A.Wada, D.Yonetoku, T. Murakami,
report on behalf of the Kanazawa GRB team:
We have imaged the field of GRB 080810 (Page et al. GCN 8080)
in R-band with 0.4m telescope at Kanazawa Japan.
We obtained the first image at one and half hours after
the Swift trigger. We confirmed the bright optical counter
part reported by Page et al. (GCN 8080), Ikejiri et al. (GCN 8081),
and so on. Compared with the USNO-A2.0 catalog, the source
magnitude is determined about 16.5 +/- 0.2 mag with 30 seconds
exposure time from the begining of this observation.
Further analysis is in progress.