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GCN Circular 8092

GRB 080810: D50 optical observation
2008-08-11T10:14:35Z (17 years ago)
Matus Kocka at Monteboo Obs,Masaryk U,Brno <>
M. Kocka (, M. Nekola, J. Strobl, R. Hudec, C. 
Polasek (AsU CAS - Ondrejov),
M. Jelinek, P. Kubanek (IAA-CSIC - Granada),
F. Munz (IASF/INAF - Bologna)

The 0.5m D50 telescope in the Ondrejov Observatory of the Astronomical 
Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, observed GRB 
080810.Observation started at 22:26:41 UT (~9.4 hours after SWIFT 

After 80x20 sec exposure we detected optical counterpart at the coordinates:
23:47:10.5 +00:19:11.5 (J2000)(E.S. Rykoff GCN 8084)
Calibrated to near USNO-B1.0 catalog star

with the following results:
    time(UT) mid of exp     mag.   err   exposure time
    22:39:02        19.6    0.5    80x20 sec


    D50 telescope is controled by RTS2 software.

    Further analysis is in progress

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