GCN Circular 8100
GLAST Burst Monitor detection of GRB 080810
2008-08-12T21:02:21Z (17 years ago)
Charles Meegan at NASA/MSFC <charles.a.meegan@nasa.gov>
C.A. Meegan (NASA/MSFC), J. Greiner (MPE), N.P. Bhat (UAH), E. Bissaldi
(MPE), M.S. Briggs (UAH), V. Connaughton (UAH), R. Diehl (MPE), G.J.
Fishman (NASA/MSFC), L. Gibby (NASA/MSFC), A.S. Hoover (LANL), A.J.
van der Horst (NASA/ORAU), A. von Kienlin (MPE), R.M. Kippen (LANL), C.
Kouveliotou (NASA/MSFC), G.G. Lichti (MPE), S. McBreen (MPE), W.S.
Paciesas (UAH), R.D. Preece (UAH), H. Steinle (MPE), M.S. Wallace
and C.A. Wilson-Hodge (NASA/MSFC)report:
"At 13:10:12 UT on 10 August 2008, the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM)
triggered and located GRB 080810 (GBM 080810.549, trigger 240066613),
which was also detected by Swift (Page et al., GCN 8080).
The on-ground calculated location, using the GBM trigger data, is
RA, Dec 357.18, -4.61 which is equivalent to
RA(J2000) = 23h 49m
Dec(J2000) = -4d 37'
with an uncertainty of 5.0 degrees (radius, 1-sigma containment,
statistical only). The angle from the Large Area Telescope (LAT)
boresight is 61 degrees.
The GBM light curve shows a slow rise starting at T0-20, followed by
a main emission phase comprising 5 pulses, a quiescent period and a
sixth pulse at T0+102 s.
The time-averaged spectrum from T-0.5 to T+53.1 sec is best fit by a
power law function with an exponential high energy cutoff. The cutoff
energy is 313.5 +/-73.6 keV and the power law index is -0.91 +/-0.12,
with a reduced chi-square of 1.1 for 226 degrees of freedom.
The fluence in the 50-300 keV band is (6.9 +/- 0.5) x 10^-6 erg/cm2.
The 1-sec photon flux measured from T+23.5 sec in the 50-300 keV band
is 1.85 +/- 0.16 ph/cm2/sec. All the quoted errors are at the 90%
confidence level."