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GCN Circular 8253

GRB 080916C: Swift/XRT detection of possible afterglow
2008-09-17T04:41:53Z (16 years ago)
Jamie A. Kennea at PSU/Swift-XRT <>
Jamie A. Kennea reports on behalf of the Swift Team:

At 17:08 UT, September 16th 2008 Swift began TOO observations of the Fermi 
GBM and LAT detected GRB 080916C (GCN 8245,8246). Preliminary analysis of 
downlinked data from this observation reveals a single point source 
detected in the field of view at RA, Dec = 119.8459, -56.63891 which is 
equivalent to:

RA (J2000): 07h 59m 23.0s
Dec (J2000): -56d 38' 20.1"

with an estimated uncertainty of 8 arcsec (radius, 90% confidence). We 
note that this point source is uncatalogued and 189 arcseconds from the 
center of the Fermi LAT error circle (GCN 8246), within the LAT 90% 
confidence error circle. Currently we cannot determine if this source is 
fading, and therefore cannot confirm if this source is associated with GRB 
080916C. Observations of this source are on-going.
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