GCN Circular 8400
GRB 081024: Early Super-LOTIS Observations
2008-10-24T08:10:37Z (16 years ago)
Grant Williams at Steward Observatory <ggwilli@gmail.com>
G. G. Williams (MMTO) and P. A. Milne (Steward Observatory), on behalf
of the Super-LOTIS Collaboration, report:
The robotic 0.6-m Super-LOTIS telescope began observing the error box
of GRB 081024 (Swift Trigger 332516, Stratta et al. GCN 8398) at
05:53:49.9 UT, 41.9 seconds after the trigger. Our initial
observations include 5 x 10s exposures, 5 x 20s exposures, and 30 x
60s exposures, all in the R-band.
We do not detect any variable sources or afterglow candidates within
the XRT error box in our earliest exposure to the following 3-sigma
limiting magnitude determined from the nearby USNO-B1.0 star
1513-0063175 with R2=14.24:
t_start (UT) exp t (s) t_start-t_0 (s) Limit
05:53:49.9 10 41.9 R > 17.6
The value quoted above is not corrected for the expected Galactic
extinction corresponding to a reddening of E(B-V)=1.64 mag in the
direction of the burst (Schlegel et al. 1998).
Additional observations and analysis are ongoing.