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GCN Circular 8408

GRB 081024B: Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor detection
2008-10-25T19:00:20Z (16 years ago)
Valerie Connaughton at MSFC <>
Valerie Connaughton and Michael Briggs (UAH) report on behalf of
the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor Team:

"At 21:22:40.86 UT on 24 October 2008, the Fermi Gammay-Ray Burst
Monitor (GBM) triggered on GRB 081024B (trigger 246576161 /
081024.891). The calculated location is consistent with the
Fermi LAT-detected GRB reported by N. Omodei in GCN Circular 8407.

This GRB was about 800 ms long with 2 main peaks.  The first peak
lasted 200 ms and its spectrum is best fit using a power-law index
with an exponential cutoff.  The power-law index is -0.70 � 0.13, and
the cutoff energy, parameterized as EPeak, is 1583 � 520 keV. The
seond peak lasted 600 ms and is best fit by a power-law spectrum
with an index of -1.28 � 0.04.

The fluence between 50 and 300 keV of this short burst is
3.4 � 0.1 x 10-7 erg/cm2, with a peak flux measured over
a 64 ms timescale of of 4.2 � 0.2 photons/cm2/sec.  Between
15 and 150 keV the 64 ms peak flux is 7.4 � 0.4 photons/cm2/sec.

The analysis results presented above are preliminary and further
analysis is being performed; the final results will be published
in the GBM GRB Catalog."
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