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GCN Circular 843

GRB001007: Optical observations
2000-10-10T19:28:27Z (24 years ago)
Paul Price at RSAA, ANU at CIT <>
P.A. Price, T.S. Axelrod and B.P. Schmidt (RSAA, ANU) report:

"We have observed the error box of the long, bright GRB001007
(Hurley et. al., GCN #841) with the robotic 50-inch telescope at
Mount Stromlo Observatory with 3 x 300s exposures starting at
Oct 10.69 (approximately 3.5 days after the burst).  Our images
in R_MACHO and B_MACHO cover the entire error box.

We detect one object at the centre of the error box for which a
counterpart is not visible on the Digital Sky Survey 2.  The
object is well detected in the MACHO-red frame, and faintly detected
in the MACHO-blue frame.  This object is located at J2000 coordinates:
RA:  04:05:54.29
Dec: -21:53:45.5
Using the star at 04:05:56.44 -21:52:52.96 with assumed R=17.7
(USNO catalogue), the object has R ~ 20.3 mag.
No other candidates are detected within the error box.

We note that this magnitude may be near the plate limit of the DSS-2,
and that an afterglow with this brightness this late after the
burst is unusual.  Further observations are required to
verify if this is the optical transient associated with GRB001007."

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