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GCN Circular 845

GRB 001007, BVR-band observations
2000-10-11T10:12:18Z (24 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at LAEFF-INTA <>
GRB 001007, BVR-band observations

Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, LAEFF-INTA (Madrid) and IAA-CSIC (Granada)
Yves Grosdidier, IAC (Tenerife)
Jose Maria Castro Ceron, ROA (San Fernando)
Javier Gorosabel, DSRI (Copenhagen)
Nicola Caon, IAC (Tenerife)
Luz Marina Cairos, IAC (Tenerife)
on behalf of a larger European GRB collaboration


"We have obtained BVR-band images of a 7' x 7' area centred at
the GRB 001007 error box (Hurley et al. GCN#841) starting at 
03:45 UT on 11 October 2000 with the 0.8m IAC80 telescope at the
Spanish Observatorio del Teide.  

The candidate reported by Price et al. (GCN #843) is clearly 
detected in the the co-added 4 x 1800-s R-band image. We note 
that this object is not present at the DSS-2 red plate limit 
(about R = 21).  No other new or variable sources are seen in the
frame.  The object is also detected in the single 1800-s V-band
image, but not in the co-added 2 x 1800-s B-band frames.  Using
the USNO star quoted in GCN#843, we measure R = 20.28 +/- 0.13
(aperture photometry).  This suggests that this source did not fade
during the 12 hours elapsed between our exposures and those taken at
Mount Stromlo.  If this is the GRB optical counterpart, this might
resemble the behaviour of GRB 970508 at early epochs (Pedersen et
al. 1998, ApJ 496, 311, Castro-Tirado et al. 1998, Sci 279, 1011).

An identification chart is posted at:"

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